You have hidden profits in your operating budget. The fastest way to increase your bottom line may not be what you think it is!
You could…
- Increase sales? Every dollar you earn in incremental sales gets eaten away by taxes and variable expenses.
- Reduce your employee count? Now you have to deal with increased State Unemployment Rates that can last months or even years! Not to mention morale, overtime and employees covering areas that they weren’t efficiently trained in.
- Cut benefits? Now you are losing your best employees to your competition. Not only that, but they’re taking YOUR client list and processes with them. Even after you trained them!
Or we could… look at alternatives in key areas that affect your business the most. Where every dollar you save goes directly to the bottom line…all 100 pennies! “A penny saved is a penny earned.”
- Are your HR-related expenditures above or below market value?
- Are you handling payroll taxes timely & correctly?
- Is your current provider’s cost in-line?
- Do you have effective loss prevention processes in place?
- Do you think you are paying more for Workers Compensation than you should?
- Is your Workers Compensation mod rate above 1.0?
- Business Insurances getting expensive?
- Time involved to collect data or produce in-house payroll?
- System utilized internally to to help manage your employee data and information
- State Unemployment rate issues?
- Current benefits cost and plan design not working together?
Are you currently using a professional employer organization (PEO) or payroll company?
- Are you getting the service you were hoping for?
- Did they make promises that they’re not keeping?
- Are you having trouble figuring out their billing and cost?
- Have you just received an increase in fees, Work Comp or SUTA?
- Are you getting nickel and dimed to death?
PEO Source has helped many companies save lots of pennies and a lot of dollars – in some cases, tens of thousands of dollars each year!
PEO Source offers a confidential and free consultation and cost analysis to help you find hidden profits in your operation. If you have a question, we have the answers.
Why Choose PEO Source?

Greg Yakoumis Owner, Founder
We’re all about making the right connection, and we believe you deserve a custom solution to all the payroll, workers comp, liability and compliance issues you face.
At PEO Source, we work with you to assess your unique situation and find a vendor whose strengths fit your needs. To us, you’re more than a client.
We believe in sharing ideas via good, old-fashioned conversation and use that to determine if we’re the right fit for your needs.